Harvest Stew
We really can’t remember such a hot summer. Week upon week of perfect weather, the Somerset grass warm and crispy-dry underfoot, everywhere alive with grasshoppers and butterflies having a field day. Recent weeks have been reminiscent of the endless summers of our childhood, recalled through rose-tinted glasses perhaps, but nevertheless a welcome change from the last few grey and wet summers that appeared to be the new norm. England seems to have taken on the balm and scent of the Mediterranean, of parched grass and richly blooming trees above. Bare earth has been baked by the sun to cracking-point, forming interesting crater patterns running away into the grass. Whilst these hot, dry conditions are not ideal generally for food producers, our orchard is heaving with fruits of all kinds, apples, pears, plums, black cherries, mulberries, all fatter, richer, more colourful than in previous years. And the vegetable garden has had a bumper year too, gently flooded each week using rainfall from the previous winter stored in a large underground tank, and bursting with productivity. The bounty always begins in late spring, broad beans, peas and asparagus at first, followed by the root vegetables and salads until, by late August, we’re struggling to put all of this to use. This is the time for preserving and storing, for making jams and pickles, and for big, rich vegetable stews. Our all-time favourite is this stew, we have been making variations for years changing the vegetables, and sometimes doing it with chunks of lamb to fall apart or tomatoes to thicken it. A mixture of sweet spices and herbs, combining with apricots and wine to come together into a little bowl of nourishing happiness. Such a joy to put the end of the summer glut into one big pot, slowly cook for a long time- you really want to tenderise and soften your fennel- and be able to sit down and enjoy what the harvest has given you. Delicious served with a lemony yoghurt.
Serves 4-6
4 onions, diced
8 garlic
1 inch ginger, minced
bunch coriander- stalks chopped.
1 tsp dried chilli
1 tsp bashed fennel seeds
1 tsp bashed cumin seeds
2 celery, finely sliced
3 bay leaves
2 cinnamon sticks
1 tso dried oregano
4 fennel, thinly sliced lengthways into
thin wedges
250g dried apricots, diced.
400ml white wine
1lt. stock (chicken or veg)
big pinch saffron
big sweet pot. Peeled and cut into small
4 courgettes, cut into small chucks
1 tsp cumin seeds
400g kale, shredded
In a big pot sauté all the ingredients up
until the dried apricots. Sauté over a medium heat for a good 15-20 minutes
stirring constantly under tender and fragrant. Really important to cook down
and get the flavour in this bit, so don’t rush. Then add the apricots.
Pour in the white wine, stock and saffron.
Put a lid ajar and bubble down for a few hours. Until the fennel in soft. Add
more liquid if need be.
Then add the sweet potato, cook for a
further 20 minutes.
Pre heat your grill. Put your courgette
onto a baking tray, drizzle in plenty of olive oil and sprinkle over the cumin
seeds. Season. And then crisp under a hot grill for 10 minutes, turning once.
If you don’t have a grill you could place in a hot oven for 20 minutes, or fry
until crisp in a pan.
Stir the kale into the pot with a squeeze
of lemon and season well. Add the crisped courgette on top with plenty of
coriander. Serve with a lemony spiced yoghurt.